An Update From the CEO
Rejoice & Be Glad
The joyous feelings of the holiday season and overwhelming support provided by you, our community of partners – volunteers, donors, staff and board members continue to be appreciated beyond words. As each and every one of us look forward to a tomorrow that is more normal, we must strive to live in the present.
By discerning on The Gospel of St. Luke, we can be encouraged and energized to “remember the past, plan for the future, but live for today.” What has been learned by all these past 11-months is that we are a resilient, steadfast and united community of people who believe and trust in the Lord. He walks with us each day and is there to help us learn the lessons needed to become the best we can be in sharing his message of unconditional love and the importance of helping one another.
As we live in the present, rejoice and be glad for all our blessings and the blessings we have bestowed on others. We know we are doing the work of our vision of helping those in need.
Learning to live in the present and also rejoicing and being glad for all our blessings helps us to be mindful and teaches us to pay attention to life, in the moment and live that moment to the fullest.
Christine Curry